11th April 2019Sperm donor rules are in place in the UK to protect you as the sperm donor and people using your sperm.
Here’s a quick guide to the current sperm donor rules when you donate to a licensed sperm bank like Semovo, and what they mean for you:
Sperm donor registration
Sperm donors are registered by the HFEA, the UK fertility regulator.The HFEA keeps a record of sperm donor profiles and contact information, and sperm donor treatment outcomes on its central Register.
What this means for you: This is so you can be linked to donor-conceived children you have helped to be born, and the HFEA can make sure you do not exceed family limit numbers.
Sperm donor anonymity
Sperm donors are identifiable, which gives donor-conceived people the chance to trace their genetic heritage when they reach the age of 18, if they wish to know.
What this means for you: Being identifiable does not mean you are liable to pay child support, or have any legal obligations. You are the sperm donor only, and not a legal parent. Being identifiable means there is potential for future contact from a donor conceived person one day. But it’s not guaranteed as some people may not know they are donor-conceived or want to get in touch.
Sperm donor compensation
Sperm donors are not paid for their sperm in the UK, but instead receive compensation of £35 per clinic visit to cover time and expenses.
What this means for you: By having compensation instead of payment like in other countries, sperm donation is always a generous and altruistic act.
Sperm donor family limits
Donated sperm can be used to create 10 separate families, excluding siblings in the same family so people can use your sperm again to have genetically-related children.
What this means for you: A 10-family limit means your sperm cannot be used to create lots of children.
Sperm donor health
Sperm donors have to meet specific criteriarelating to health and age. You cannot be a sperm donor if you are older than 45.
What this means for you: If you are eligible, donating sperm does not require a big lifestyle change. But there are things you need to agree to, such as not putting yourself at risk of sexually-transmitted infections or diseases during your time as a sperm donor. Your sperm will be tested each time you donate, to check it is of the right quality. Excessive drinking, smoking or recreational drug use can all affect your sperm.
Sperm donor counselling
Sperm donors in the UK are required to havecounsellingas part of the donation process. Counselling involves talking through what sperm donation involves and how you feel about it, your rights and the rights of anyone that uses your sperm and the children they may have.
What this means for you: Counselling ensures you fully understand the implications of sperm donation, before you give your informed consentto your sperm being used. It’s why counselling happens early in the process, before sperm donation even happens, so you can decide if it’s right for you.
Sperm donation made easy: Join Semovo
Join Semovo and you can donate to your nearest sperm bank: Glasgow, Liverpool, Leeds, Manchester and our new Manchester city centre sperm bank.
Apply onlineto get started or contact us with any questions on 0345 266 1272.